Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Discovering a New Me

Standing by the side of the window;
I wondered what it'll feel to be,
restoring my true integrity,
yet Discovering a New Me.
I closed my eyes,setting myself free,
only to find myself amidst the unfathomed sea.
And then the reality dawned upon me,
I was actually Discovering a New Me.
I use to be a scapegoat,I use to be a wimp,
but with the liberating thoughts overpowering me,
I became a warrior,a gallant king.
Its true,u'll have to agree,
the path i chose was the path of Discovering a New Me.
I became the hero of the play in progress,
just victories and titles with no regrets,
and with the advent of the spark of heresy in me,
I was heading faster on the path of Discovering a New Me.
Suddenly the chirping of the birds disturbed me,
I found myself near the window,gazing at the tree.
I saw the dew falling off the leaves with the blowing breeze;
I was back in the world of wisdom and reality.
The fleeting thoughts that crossed my mind,
made me smile,though for a short span of time.
I wonder if i was deluded to abstraction,
or if i am on some kind of spree,
and have already Discovered a New Me?

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